Saturday, February 20, 2010

Deadtown and February Meeting Recap

While it was a bit delayed and shuffled around, today's meeting was overall a successful first out-of-the-house effort. The Shop turned out to be a good location, away from the Chili Cook-Off and the resultant throngs of people.

Now, on to business!

We discussed Deadtown by Nancy Holzner, who was kind enough to grace our November meeting. We agreed that the book was action-packed, fast-paced, and a fairly light read, but beyond that, everyone had different reactions. Some liked it as an easy, entertaining book, while others wished for more depth and realism.

We talked in depth about real-life segregation vs. the quarantine of zombies and paranormals, about how long authors can expect their readers to suspend their disbelief, and about badass heroines.

Soulless, by Gail Carriger, is our March read.

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