Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cool Audio Fiction Podcasts

A few meeting ago I said that I’d send out an email highlighting a couple of short story podcasts. Instead of filling your inboxes, here are a couple of great podcasts and recommended episodes.

The Drabble Cast

The DrabbleCast is a self titled, "weekly flash fiction audio-magazine that brings strange stories by strange authors to strange listeners, like yourself." While I find many of the stories hit or miss, I've gotten more hits than misses. Here's a few episodes I liked:

Ep 135 "Hello," said the stick - This was the first Drabble Cast I listened to. On top of being a good story, I found the subject matter interesting.

Ep 141 On the Destruction of Copenhagen by the Warmachines of the Merfolk - Come on, Merfolk Warmachines. What more do you want?

Ep 146 Teddy Bears and Tea Parties - A really good horror story. Don't let the title fool you, you wouldn't want a little kid listening to this one.


Another weekly SciFi podcast. I don't think that they have as many hits as the DrabbleCast, but still they are pretty good. If you're interested, they have sister podcasts PseudoPod (horror) and PodCastle (Fantasy).

Ep 235 On the Human Plan - A fantasy world that is past it's peak of wonders. The story asks you, "If we end death, do we end life?"

Ep 226 Pirate Solutions - Rated ARRRR

Friday, January 29, 2010

Covers of Suggested Books

Adding Your Books to the Survey

Under the cover of the current read, there is a survey. If one of those books really grabs you, vote for it. Please limit your votes to your top 2 choices.

If none of the group-member-suggested-books look delectable, feel free to suggest another title, and I will add it to the list. Thanks.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reaching Out is VERY Good.

Subject: RBC is feeling oh-so flattered

Thank you so much for letting us know that #1 you are a fan of Raven's Brew, and #2 telling us that you were inspired by our raven to then incorporate a raven into your book group logo! It's a great logo by the way.

Thanks again for letting us know about your group and happy sipping!

Ashley of Raven's Brew Coffee

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Apparently, I can't spell.
Oh, and a date-time-place is a good include, too.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

3rd Pass-- time for deciding on final colors.

I spread out the bottom to make the books less crowded in with the logo.
The colors got 'tweaked' automatically by preview, so it's a bit weird.

2nd Pass at the Flier

With luck, this will be done by tonight. There's still something wrong with the book illustration.

Flyer Critique?

Here's a start-- the colors need some work, and of course, the center picture, but there's only so much steam in me and it's 2 30 AM.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Suggesting Books for Next Month

It is time to poll for the next book. Please leave comments with Title & Author of a book on your 'to-read pile,' and we'll put together an informal poll.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Post: Our New Home

Hi-- New email address for everyone, makes sense to streamline everything, hoping to simplify life.

We have a location for the next meeting, the owner of Buffalo books is more than willing to let us come one Saturday a month,
and we can eat/bring drinks in with us, (a HUGE selling point for me, for I love the snacks.)

The new meeting time is 1:30 PM, Sat. Feb. 20th-- if anyone had a problem with this because of work or other obligations, let me know.